Office of the Provost: Top 4 Things to Know to Start Spring 2021

Welcome back to CSU this Spring Semester. For those of you new this spring, welcome to CSU! You have a large academic community here to support your success, and we are thrilled to have your talents and aspirations contributing to what makes CSU great. Our faculty and staff have been working hard to prepare for a safe, engaging, and successful semester. We have developed a mix of in-person, hybrid, and online/remote courses to support your success with your health and safety as a top priority.

Thank you for your resilience and flexibility in dealing with the unknown, and understanding our need to respond to the current local public health environment on almost a weekly basis. I wanted to share four things that can help you successfully start your semester and focus on health and safety:

  1. All CSU courses will be online/remote the first week of classes and will then move to face-to-face (F2F) and hybrid courses through phases as President McConnell discussed in a December 17, 2020, email. This allows us to expand our COVID screening capacity and evaluate the safety of the public health environment at the time. Below this message is a chart representing the three teaching modality phases.
  2. Check your schedule on Canvas before Tuesday, Jan. 19. Your schedule will tell you the modality of how your courses will be taught after the first week of all courses being online. Modalities include online, F2F, and hybrid. The Registrar’s Office has created a web site to explain the different teaching modalities and provide you with examples of how to read these on your class schedule:
  3. You should be receiving a “Welcome” email or Canvas message from each of your instructors prior to the first day of the semester. Look for that message! It will have important information from your instructors about what you can expect for the start of the semester, including plans for when hybrid courses will transition to F2F. If you have questions, please reach out to your instructors.
  4. Frequent screening for COVID-19 will be required on a regular cadence for all students, faculty and staff on campus. This is a change from last semester. Please realize that compliance with this new requirement is critical for the health and safety of our entire campus community. Thank you in advance for your compliance with this public health requirement.

Information about screening and other COVID-related resources can be found at: