Protein Month

What is protein?

Proteins are in charge of repairing and making new cells so they are often described as the building blocks of our bodies. We commonly know protein as what makes our muscles grow big and strong! This is true, but protein is also a main component in our bones, hair, skin, and nails. Proteins are made up of 22 amino acids and we categorize them by defining which ones our bodies can make by themselves (nonessential amino acids) and which ones we cannot (essential amino acids).

How much protein do I need?

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for the average adult is 50-60 grams a day. That is around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Only extreme athletes and super active people require more-the American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for athletes.

Does this sound like a lot of protein? Do not worry! We get bits of protein throughout the day that really add up fast, but it is still important to prioritize protein in many of your snacks/meals!

What are some good sources of protein? Where can I find them?

The type of diet you have can affect what sources of protein you should look for. Whether you eat animal products, or are plant-based, there are lots of options on campus in our dining halls! (You can find the dining hall’s nutrition facts here!)

Animal-based Where? Plant-based Where?
Poultry Carolina Chicken at Rams Horn’s Ram Shack BBQ Tofu Herb Marinated Tofu at Foundry’s 1870
Beef Hamburger at Braiden’s Grill Lentils Black Beluga Lentils at Foundry’s Root
Fish Creole Shrimp at Rams Horn’s Worldfare Chickpeas Chipotle Hummus Wrap at Rams Horn Express
Eggs and egg whites Scrambled Eggs at Braiden’s Breakfast Nuts and seeds Trail Mix at Durrell Express
Greek yogurt Yogurt Parfait at Rams Horn Express Plant-based alternative meat Ultimate Burger at Foundry’s Theory