Happy National Nutrition Month®!

March is National Nutrition Month and this year the theme is “Celebrate a World of Flavors” to honor cultures from around the world and recognize the unique ways we each nourish our body.

For Week 1 and 2, we discussed how to eat a varied diet, what a Registered Dietitian (RDN) is, and how a RDN could help you reach your health and nutrition goals. This week we’ll further the conversation by learning the benefits of planning your meals ahead and how to make tasty foods at home.

Week 3 & 4

Plan your meals and snacks

Planning is one of the most important steps to eating a healthier diet. To get started, pick a few well-balanced recipes for your meals in the coming days. A well-balanced meal is one that is nourishing, as well as satiating, and includes plenty of fruit and/or vegetables, as explored in Week 1. After choosing recipes, create a grocery list that includes the ingredients you need for those meals to save time while at the store. When eating out, try to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your meal by swapping out a side with a vegetable option, for example. Eating food is much more than providing energy for your body, it can be a social and cultural experience. So, enjoy the foods you do eat whilst also striving for balance!

Create tasty foods at home

The most successful and sustainable improvements in our diet are the ones that we enjoy! This month is a great opportunity to try new dishes, cooking skills, and cultural foods. Doing so will put you on a journey of finding and trying new recipes that you enjoy, and who knows, you may find a new favorite! Additionally, it is suggested to enjoy your meals with friends and family, when possible. Taking the time to sit down and savor a meal with company is beneficial to your physical health as well as mental health and can create lasting memories!

One idea to incorporate new foods in your diet is to talk with a parent or grandparent about a favorite cultural food from your ancestry or ask a friend about one of theirs and try making it together!

Additionally, on March 31st, Eat Well @ CSU is hosting a hands-on cooking class, World of Flavors, in which we will try meals from a range of cultures! Scan the QR code to reserve your spot!

If you’d like to learn more about National Nutrition Month 2022, click on this link:
