Sustainable Living Challenge

In the month of February, Housing & Dining Services (HDS) Apartment Staff engaged the apartments in our annual Sustainable Living Challenge (SLC) to educate residents on sustainable practices. These practices are centered around pollutants in the home, air quality, utilization of eco-friendly cleaning products, and engagement with neighbors regarding sustainability. This challenge was available at International House, Aggie Family Apartments, and University Villages 1500, 1600, and 1700. 

Through activities like tabling, event contribution, resident meetings, and door-to-door conversations the champions engaged residents with the SLC. Residents were encouraged to sign an online pledge form, committing to incorporating sustainable practices in their day-to-day lives. Participants received prizes including reusable silicon straws, microfiber towels, potted plants, and reusable bento boxes. 

Data was tracked and collected throughout the challenge which provided great insights into this year’s performance. Total resident engagement in the first week was tracked at 4.8%, but by the end of the challenge total resident engagement had peaked at 15% across all university villages involved in the challenge. Each resident village had significant growth each week in resident engagement via activities and postings that encouraged adoption of the SLC pledge. University Village 1500 and International House peaked at 18.24% of 307 residents engaged, Aggie family topped out at 8.73% of 126 residents engaged, and University Villages 1600 and 1700 peaked at 15.01% of 253 residents engaged. 

The Sustainable Living Challenge of 2024 represents a significant landmark for achievement for CSU Housing & Dining. Through innovative and engaging initiatives, the SLC not only educated residents on the importance of sustainable living practices but also successfully encouraged them to incorporate these practices into their daily lives. The impressive increase in resident engagement and challenge’s conclusion underscores the effectiveness of the SLC’s approach and the CSU’s commitment to embrace sustainability. Shout out to the CC Staff that championed this program!